In the Living in Fitness blog our expert trainers and health advocates weigh in on wellness topics to equip you with the tools you need to train with confidence.
Six Home Flexibility Exercises for Older Adults
Stretching is an important activity that everyone should do, especially older adults. As you age, the chances of falling and becoming injured increase. When you stretch regularly, you improve your balance, reducing your chances of falling. Stretching also helps relieve pain, especially pain in the lower back. It can also help soothe pain caused by... Continue reading→
Unlock the Key to Being Your Best Self…Through Exercise!
In today’s modern age, where there’s a medication for just about every condition, one simple cure is often overlooked: exercise. No other therapy can provide as many physical and emotional health benefits at one time. Physical activity is Mother Nature’s way helping us live in the realm of wellness while maximizing our quality of life. Continue reading→
Fun, Low Impact Exercise. At Your Own Pace.
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